DAWN™ for Industrial Transportation

DAWN™ is an automated driving software platform that automates any vehicle. It enables industrial vehicles to drive autonomously, in variable weather, on both public & private roads.

Benefits of DAWN™ for Industrial Sites

Higher Uptime and Vehicle Utilisation Rates

Reduced overall operating costs

Higher productivity

Open platform- no vendor lock-in

Automation of existing fleets

Automation without external infrastructure

Industrial sites where DAWN™ automated vehicles can operate

  • Industrial process plants such as chemical plants and refineries
  • Wood processing plants such as sawmills and pulp mills
  • Quarries and Mining sites
  • Aggregate processing plants
  • Civil construction projects
  • Industrial parks
  • Recycling and Waste facilities
  • Smelting sites and Steel mills
  • Manufacturing sites and factories
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DAWN™ Features

Advanced collision detection

Laser scanner object detector and tracker for safe driving.

Automated driving in all weather conditions

Reliable operations in snow, rain, and dust.

No lane markings needed

Operates without lane markings or other reference points.

Highly accurate positioning up to 4cm

Precise positioning based on pre-defined high-definition maps.

Remote operations and multirouting

SAE Level 4 automation compatible with third party fleet management systems.