Sensible 4® Autonomous Proace Diesel

This listing presents a unique chance to acquire a 2020 Toyota Proace Diesel transformed into a comprehensive development platform for autonomous driving projects. This vehicle, equipped with a pre-existing DAWN (Dynamic Autonomous Navigation) setup, served as a valuable tool for Sensible 4 and is ideal for companies or researchers looking to explore the potential of diesel-powered autonomous vehicles.

Key Features

Base Vehicle

  • Toyota Proace Verso 2020
  • Diesel Powered
  • 6-8 Passengers (including Wheelchair Ramp version)

Advanced Autonomous Package

  • RCX-1430FFR-PEG for processing sensor data and running autonomous algorithms.
  • HDMI Eyoyo EM13L-T touchscreen for user interaction and system monitoring.
  • Hesai Pandar 40P for high-resolution 3D mapping and obstacle detection.
  • Robotsense Pearl Lidars for comprehensive 360-degree perception of the environment.
  • Continental ARS 408 radars for long-range obstacle detection and tracking.
  • RTK-GPS for high-accuracy positioning.

Sensible 4 DAWN Technology

  • Powering the autonomous capabilities, Sensible 4’s software is renowned for its all-weather performance, ensuring safety and reliability in diverse conditions (rain, snow, fog).
  • Based on ROS 1 and adaptable to other ROS-based software solutions for extended development flexibility.

Advanced Safety Features

  • Equipped with a comprehensive suite of sensors and safety systems to prioritize passenger and pedestrian safety during development and testing.

Diesel Proace is Ideal for


Research Centers

Course Testing Facilities

Robotics Companies

Autonomous Car Enthusiasts